
Forbidden Love chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Silver P.O.V (Point of view)

In the Kingdom, you had to have at least a little bit of Royalty in your blood to become a Knight. It was mere luck I became one.

Now I was resting in the Knight area it was maybe four in the morning. I couldn't sleep I was thinking about her again. I thought to myself 'this is silly you are a Knight stop this now she doesn't know you!' I agreed to my thoughts then something grabbed me. They tied my hands together and the other end of the rope was tied to the camel that must have belonged to the people who grabbed me. Then they made me walk, which I was used to. I was never the kind to ride a horse or camel. We walked into Soulianna. My camp wasn't to far from here. One of the men stayed out side with me and we waited for something. I thought they might steal some stuff, as they did my sword. Ah, my sword is the best. She's made of real gold and has a special design. I just hope I can get it back.


Blaze's P.O.V

I was dreaming of my Prince Saul. He is my everything I love him and I cannot wait to rule Soulianna with him. Since, I am the next in line for the thrown after my parents.
I was woken up and someone putting there grimy hand on my mouth. They grabbed a rope and 'dragged' me out side. I was in my petticoat too; I did not need this!...Someone else was tied to the camel. The men dragging me pushed me so hard towards the camel that I rammed into 'it'. Turns out 'it' was a white male hedgehog, with ridiculous boots. His hairstyle was worse. And the creepiest part is that there was greenish bluish circle in the middle of his hands and oddly enough he had an empty light brown scabbard around his waist.

"Hey you should move when you see the Princess of Soulianna!" I boldly told the freak.

He stayed quiet, the witch.

"Stay quiet or we'll kill ya!" The gross smelling man said.

The freak show and I stayed quiet.


Silver's P.O.V

We walked for a while. She looked over-heated and tired. Meanwhile I was of the Knight trainings was walking for long times.
Morning was coming. We were in the middle of the dessert. You always rested during the day, traveled during the night. I felt bad for her; she was wearing her sleeping clothes, and was wearing high heels. Then finaly, the sun rose. We can rest!

"Alright, let's set up camp here." One of the men said.

They took our ropes, took a wooden stake, and hammered the ropes to ground.

"Don't wake us up, we will know when we have to travel." Another man said.

We laid down on the hot sand. The men all fell asleep a few minutes after they got into the tents they set up.

"Ok who are you and why did they take you of all people?" She whispered to me.

"I don't know why they took me." I whispered.
"You answered only one of my questions." She huffed.

"I'm Silver the hedgehog or the Silver Knight." I said.

"Yeah, like I'm going to believe you're a Knight. You're much too small you look more like a peasant." She laughed.

"I can fight better than Sir Galahad." I admitted. It was true I was the best.

"Yeah right, whatever you're just pretending." She laughed.

"I am not, Princess." I said. This was true.

"You are very shy for a Knight." She said.

"I fight no need for words." I said.

"I'll believe you when I see you fight. And another thing, where is you're sword?" She questioned.

"They took it from me." I said.

"You say less than 7 words when you talk." She laughed yet again.

"Get some rest, Princess." I said somewhat demandingly.

"And we are not going to try to escape?" She asked.

"When the time is right." I said then I closed my eyes.

"Ok 'peasant boy'" She said mockingly.


Blaze's P.O.V

We walked again. My feet were literally burning along with everything else I had. 'Peasant boy' really made me think of how much I missed my home, my Prince. I wanted to take off these ropes on my wrists. They were giving me burns. In addition, I think I'm now sunburned. I think 'Peasant boy' has sunburned too. Yet I forget his name. I think I know why they took me; I'm the Princess for crying out loud! I hope that 'Peasant boy' can help me get home. He doesn't talk much which for some reason bugs me. I hope he's not lying about the whole Knight thing. I hope ug… I just want to see my handsome Prince again. Be back with my family my sister Amy, my mom and dad. Heck I even would be happy seeing Amy's betrothed Prince, Sir Sonic. I bet my Prince could beat 'Peasant boy' in a duel. I wonder how long we have been walking I don't know but I want to find a way back fast!


Silver P.O.V

We are stopping again the sun is up. We can't travel any more until night fall. Now the men are putting us on the ground with the wooden stake holding us down. The men are finished putting up there tents and are now going into them. One of the men is outside the tent holding my sword, the bastard. I have been trying to get myself out of these ropes tied to my wrist all day. The Princess is fast asleep. I don't blame her but if we don't get free from these men now they might kill us. I finally got the rope off my wrists. I will get the Princess free in a little bit.

I got some supplies. And I got my sword from that witch. I was cutting off the Princess's ropes off her wrists when she woke up.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"We are going to escape." I said then got her free.

"Really? Ok, I'm all for that." She said.

"Let's get moving. Follow me." I said.

She followed.


Blaze's P.O.V

"This isn't the way to Soulianna…" I said.

"You don't know that. I know what I'm doing." He said.

"That's a record, nine words." I said laughing.

"Look this is to keep you from being kidnapped again." He said.

"New, now it's ten words." I said again laughing.

"Here we are." He said as he almost entered the forest.

I stopped walking. He stopped and turned around.

"Anything wrong, Princess?" He asked.

"We are going in there?" I said thinking about how scary and gross forests were.

"Yes, it's the only way to get away from the people who kidnapped us." He explained.

"I lost count on how many words you just said." I said gulping.

"Look whatever might be in here I can handle now come on." He half demanded.

"Ok…" I sighed.

I kept close to him. I had no idea were he was taking me but I hoped I could trust him to take me home because he is all I have at this time. I really hated forests. They are scary here; you never know what could happen.

And just when I thought this walk was going smoothly I hear something growl. 'Peasant boy' seemed to ignore the growl. I get closer to him. I'm not saying I love him but he's my protection. And all I have right now.

Out of nowhere, this tiger jumps onto 'Peasant boy'. He takes out his sword, beats, and kills the tiger faster than you could scream. I almost screamed but I didn't for some reason.

'Peasant boy' now has claw marks on him.

"Are you okay!" I yell.

"Yes, I'm fine. No need to worry about me." He said. Then he cleaned his sword in the grass then puts it back in the scabbard.

We keep walking without any other troubles.

We have been walking for a long time and its getting dark. I wonder when 'Peasant boy' will find us a campsite.

'Peasant boy' finds a place and sets down the stuff he has been carrying all day. He starts to unpack.

"So where will I sleep." I asked feeling a little bossy.

He laid out some cloth he must have taken.

"Here." He said.   

"And where will you sleep?" I asked feeling stupid I said that.

"Where ever I feel like." He said then leaned against a nearby tree.

"Okay…" I said. I knew he was giving me my space.

"Get some rest, Princess." He said.

"Um… okay but one thing. I forget you're name…" I said once again feeling stupid.

"Silver, Silver the hedgehog." He said.

"So are you really okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine get some rest." He said kinda demandingly then he walked away to stand against a farther away tree.

I listen I laid my head down. It wasn't nearly as soft as my bed but it would do.

I fell asleep fast.


Silver's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep I knew where we were. We were in the blue-blooded area. All red blood that passed though here were killed. Princess Blaze was a red blood. I didn't want anything to happen to her. So I stayed awake. She was fast asleep. I wanted to protect her and bring her back to Soulianna safely but if I went with her to the castle, I will probably be killed and I would have to give up being a Knight. Suddenly I heard a strange noise. Sounded like muffled talking. The blue bloods must have been spying on us and saw I was awake. Luckily, I am a blue blood. But the down side to being a blue blood is you will always be a peasant. Blaze is royalty so she is red blooded. They will probably try to kill her. I couldn't have that happen.

Out of nowhere, these five men come out and run up to Blaze. Blaze's ears perk up and she woke up.

"What's going on Silver?" She asked.

I pull my sword out of its scabbard (which I was wearing around my waist).

"Back away from her!" I yell.

I see they have a dagger but nothing more. They look at her veins and see she is a red blood.

"What blood type are you?" The man holding the dagger says.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I smirk then charge at them.

The cowards run, but they throw the dagger at me. I dodge it easily. I walk over to where the dagger is and pick it up. I put it in my scabbard. It might be good for shaping my sword.

"Who were they?" She asked.

"No one." I say then put my sword and my new dagger in my scabbard.  

"Why were they looking at my veins? And why did they ask about your 'blood type'?" She questioned.

"No reason." I lied. I knew why they were doing that.

"There has to be a reason." She huffed.

"Go back to sleep, Princess." I somewhat demanded.

She laid her head back down. I went back to the tree I was leaning against earlier and once again leaned against it.
Here ya go! Chapter 1 lol.

Silver and Blaze belong to Sega.

Part 1 Prologue: [link]
Part 1 Chapter 1: Your here!
Part 1 Chapter 2: [link]
Part 1 Chapter 3: [link]
Part 1 Chapter 4: [link]
PART 2 Prologue: [link]
PART 2 Chapter 1: [link]
PART 2 Chapter 2: [link]
PART 2 Chapter 3: [link]
PART 2 Chapter 4: [link]
PART 2 Chapter 5: ??

For those people who are still fans of this story, chapter 5 will be worked on I have my first paragraph now I just need the rest then I will post it. If my fan club remains strong I will finish this story. Who knows maybe 2 months to a year from now you will see the title page to an upcoming comic. But I will only if my fan club remains. If you would like me to keep going please leave a comment on any of these pages of the story so I know that there are still fans out there thank you.
© 2010 - 2024 SilverFire101
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ragedrago's avatar
Mean little princess isnt she.